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Tech Support Note: Our back-end system isn't playing nice with certain VPN server connections right now. This is causing a "Forbidden" error message for some when trying to join The Phoenician League.
For now the solution is simply to disconnect the VPN or change servers/web browsers until the link works. If you have any issues after clicking the "I Want to Join" button, please reach out to for immediate support.
The crony-capitalist system we endure today is based on tax-payer-funded bailouts for the big banks and “golden parachutes” for Wall Street CEOs.
And all of it is blessed by government agencies.
You see, I had a front-row seat for the 2008 mortgage crisis working for Wells Fargo’s Loss Mitigation Department.
My entire job consisted of one thing:
Make the housing disaster look less bad to the people in charge. (Keep in mind, these were the same people who caused the mess in the first place.)
I was in charge of re-writing the loans so management could show the government they were “fixing” the problem.
“How many modifications did you do today?” my boss would ask me. That was the only metric that mattered because we got paid on volume.
So, after causing the problem in the first place, big banks were making yet another fortune by fudging the numbers to make it look like they were helping.
My frustration grew until one day I raised my hand and blurted out, “is somebody tracking current market values vs. mortgage balances for these modifications?”
My boss cut me short:
“That’s not for you to worry about. Just keep getting those mods done. You’re killing it.”
And that’s when it hit me…
I went to work for Wells Fargo thinking my job was about producing the best results possible – for all parties.
But we were not really “fixing” anything.
The whole thing was just a paper-pushing exercise to get more money from the government (i.e. taxpayers) so we could push up short-term profits for the bank.
Nothing else mattered.
I also worked at Bank of America – the second-largest bank in the US. And I dealt with colleagues at other big Wall Street banks…
It’s the same everywhere.
These banks only care about how they can use their institutional power at the center of our financial system to enrich themselves. And here’s the scary part…
Everything I saw was technically legal. But it sure as heck wasn’t ethical.
How could I have been so naive?
Good people lost everything in the 2008 disaster. I read case after case of families being forced into greater and greater financial hardship.
Meanwhile, big banks like my employer were actually given the green light to make things even worse for families who were barely hanging on.
But profits at big banks kept going up – which was all that mattered.
So one day I quit. I walked in and told my boss I was done.
That same day, I vowed I was going to do something to level the playing field for regular investors.
And that’s when the idea underlying The Phoenician League hit me.
When I left banking, I went to work for the largest independent financial research firm in the world.
My team and I built a subscriber base of two million readers in just two years – launching an entire suite of institutional-quality investment research services.
It was these connections in the world of independent financial research that led me to the life-changing discovery and secret of the ancient Phoenician civilization.
In case you’re wondering, my own finances are now in better shape than they’ve ever been.
But what I’m most proud of is…
The work my team and I have done to give regular people the opportunity to build passive income streams so they can enjoy the true freedom of financial independence.
— “What a fantastic way to increase wealth…” - Brian M.
— “Just one month… I’m earning monthly passive income." -Nate J.
— “I’ve built up more monthly passive income than I ever thought possible.” - Mike W.
— “I wish I had come across this program during the early stages of my career.” -Praveen R.
— “Excellent… Easy to understand with no finance background.” -Aron B.
— “I believe everyone must have access to this knowledge, it’s the best-kept secret.” -Kishor P.
— “Exceptional… very clear… It's exactly what I was looking for.” -Allesandro F.
— “Powerful strategy for creating extra monthly income!” -Kenneth M.
I could go on and on. But I think you get the picture.
What my team and I have created is a better, simpler way to take total control of your financial future… side-step the coming reset to the monetary system…
And build a future of plenty for you and your family by collecting passive income from real assets.
The Phoenician League is modeled after the old Phoenician civilization. They were the greatest wealth-builders of the ancient world thanks to their unique philosophy.
The Phoenician civilization existed around the year 1200 BC – roughly where Lebanon is today.
They were a commercial civilization of traders and merchants – something incredibly rare during that period of history.
Nearly all other nations were war-based cultures favoring a zero-sum game where you could only get ahead by conquering your neighbor and taking his stuff… Until someone stronger conquered you.
But the Phoenicians were different. They focused on building a world of win-win deals.
That’s one key part of the secret I want to share with you. But it’s not the big secret I’ve been hinting at…
Their advantage lay not just in their preference for win-win deals instead of war…
It was their networks that made them the kings of commerce across the entire ancient world.
Their most valuable contribution – and big secret – for wealth building was the networks they established via their trade routes.
Check this out...
Byblos on the far right marks the Phoenician’s homeland.
They connected the Mediterranean world with northern Africa – extending their domain all the way to modern-day Italy and Spain.
It’s possible they even went as far as modern-day England and Ireland!
The Phoenicians built trade routes connecting western Asia to Cyprus and modern-day Greece…
Their empire of trade was the most valuable network of that era. That was the big “secret” to their success.
And this same secret can make all the difference to you and your financial future too…
"Utilizing The Phoenician League's process and resources I've built up more passive monthly income than I ever thought possible." -Mike W.
"The Phoenician League is a gold mine of information. While the core content alone is worth many multiples of what I paid, the connections to the professional network may be worth even more." -Brady B.
“I’ve been involved with The Phoenician League for two months and I can tell you the real estate team and the core content – allowing people to consider alternative investments without any pressure – is top notch.” -Jonathan M.
“Having access to a fully vetted turnkey real estate provider through The Phoenician League has been an immense blessing. I just purchased my first remote property. The process was as easy as signing documents online as they were created. All vendors were vetted and coordinated - point of contact, approved lender, closing company, property insurance recommendations, and property management. What a fantastic way to increase wealth via real estate investing!” -Brian M.
Close your eyes and picture this…
It’s now five to ten years into the future. Your passive income continues to roll in every month – you don't even have to think about it.
The world is a radically different place now than it was when you first started earning passive income.
Millions of people who trusted their finances to conventional retirement planning are struggling to get by each month.
But not you.
Your real assets protected you from inflation. And your passive income empire is still growing.
You think back about your decision to get started and you ask yourself... why didn't I do this sooner?
You remember what it was like to worry about money… whether you would have enough for retirement...
But you don’t think about those things anymore. And haven’t for a long time.
Because you made your move when you had the chance. You saw the opportunity and pounced on it.
Which is why you and your family have everything you need to thrive – no matter what happens.
All thanks to that one decision you made to start investing in real assets that produce passive income.
Does that seem overly dramatic to you?
The economy has changed dramatically. Just in the last few years.
Some industries are changing fast... and laying off workers. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is threatening to reshape the nature of work itself. And there's a general sense of uncertainty everywhere.
If that weren't enough, we're dealing with excessive consumer price inflation for the first time in decades. Our cost of living just keeps going up...
There's only one financial solution that can protect you from this. That's building a robust asset portfolio that also generates passive income for you.
The wealthiest families alive already knew this. Now you do too.
If you’re worried an investment membership like The Phoenician League is going to cost a small fortune… You’d be right to think so.
Many investing programs sport price tags well over $10,000.
Here’s a note I got from one of our members:
"…back in 2021, I joined a ridiculously expensive real estate investing program…
I paid slightly more than $20,000… [it] had mountains of educational material but
very little step-by-step instruction…
I have neither the time nor (more importantly) the inclination to be sending out mass
mailers or knocking on doors of undervalued properties, which is what these other
programs always seem to end up relying on in order to generate deals.
I joined The Phoenician League because it sounded as if it was offering exactly what
I had been looking for – a straightforward action plan for getting started in [real assets
and passive income]… I closed on my first investment property just months after joining
the program."
- Daniel J.
Look, I don’t like to trash-talk other people. But the idea that you should spend $20,000 of your hard-earned money on a real estate program...
And then do all the cold-call prospecting yourself…
Doesn’t sit right with me.
The fact is, we could charge $20,000 and feel perfectly good about it.
After all, unlike those other, more expensive programs, The Phoenician League makes your job much easier by doing all the hard work for you. We show you exactly how to invest for passive income... and you have professionals to support you each step of the way.
But we're not charging $20,000.
Or $10,000.
Or $5,000 for that matter.
We don't even charge $2,500. Not yet, anyway.
To make sure this decision is a total no-brainer for you, we even give you 30 days to check out everything inside The Phoenician League’s membership area…
Join one of our exclusive, members-only calls…
And speak to me personally (I’ll tell you how below)...
All with no risk to you. Because you’re covered by my “This must change your life… No-Brainer, Money-Back Guarantee.”
If you join the membership... explore our program, research archive, our passive income investments, and our network... and then decide that it's just not for you – no problem.
Let us know within 30 days and we'll issue a full refund immediately. No questions asked.
So there’s no pressure here. You absolutely cannot make a bad decision or lose money. I think you’ll agree, that’s how it should be.
And I would like to give you a few great bonuses as well... so you can master the game of wealth even faster.
Bonus #1: Professional Stock Research and Portfolio ($2,500 Value)
Members get professional stock research around six specific themes as well as access to our model equity portfolio. These are investments you can make today to build one leg of your own inflation-proof asset portfolio.
Bonus #2: The Phoenician Monthly Newsletter – ($2,500 Value)
Our monthly newsletter covers market updates, prominent macroeconomic trends and developments, historical insights, and it also tracks our model equity portfolio. Each issue goes out during the last week of each month.
Bonus #3: Market Alliance Monthly Call – ($1,000 Value)
The Phoenician League hosts a Market Alliance call every month. This is where we cover the state of the markets and share insights with each other. We also invite experts on a range of topics to talk about actionable items that we each can implement to increase our knowledge, build our skillset, strengthen our security, and grow our wealth.
Bonus #4: The Passive Income Bundle – ($497 Value)
This section of our core content walks members through a range of passive income strategies. We show everybody how to create extra monthly income for themselves with specific investments that anyone can make. The goal is to help everyone work up to having an extra $10,000 a month.
Bonus #5: Finance for Freedom – ($97 Value)
This section of our core content helps members shore up their finances and build a customized asset allocation model geared for true financial security. This is the foundation upon which we can build wealth and create passive income.
Bonus #6: Infinite Banking Guide – ($97 Value)
The Infinite Banking Concept details a little-known way to warehouse cash outside the financial system so that it is shielded from bank failures, wealth taxes, and the CBDC push. With IBC, we pull back the curtain on secret accounts that the world's wealthiest families have used for generations.
Bonus #7: The Option Game Primer – ($97 Value)
The Option Game is a stock market strategy that the insiders use over and over to pick up small, reliable payouts – month in, month out. For members who enjoy the markets, we'll show you how to apply this simple, safe strategy to build your equity portfolio.
Bonus #8: Beyond Wealth: The Good Steward
(Free Bonus to all our members)
As you can see, The Phoenician League is truly a comprehensive investment membership. We show our members exactly how to shore up their finances, build a bulletproof asset portfolio, and create passive monthly income – all using expert strategies.
Financial security first... then financial independence is our motto.
But life is not about chasing money. The point of getting wealthy is that you no longer have to be consumed by the daily grind. That’s what I want for all our members.
Joining The Phoenician League lets you take command of your finances and put yourself in a position to do other things… like making yourself the kind of person who influences events in a positive way.
One way or another, we all have a connection to the divine. Being a good steward is about deepening your connection to whatever guidance you follow – so your time on Earth is meaningful, and you leave a lasting impression on those you love. This short 11-minute video is my way of giving thanks and passing along the important things I’ve learned about being a good steward.
Membership in The Phoenician League comes with everything I’ve described above, including:
Our 7-Part Success Path to Financial Freedom... $20,000 Value
Asset Allocation Walkthrough - Step by Step...... $10,000 Value
Cash Flow Accelerator Master Class.................... $10,000 Value
Access to High-End Professional Network.......... $5,000 Value
Professional Stock Research and Portfolio......... $2,500 Value
The Phoenician Monthly Newsletter..................... $2,500 Value
Market Alliance Monthly Call..................................... $1,000 Value
The Passive Income Bundle....................................... $497 Value
Finance for Freedom Course...................................... $97 Value
Infinite Banking Guide........................................... $97 Value
The Option Game Primer....................................... $97 Value
Beyond Wealth: The Good Steward...................... Priceless
For a total value of more than $51,788.
But for a limited time we're offering our Inner Council membership for just $999 a year. That's it.
Or you can choose the basic monthly membership rate of $99 a month if you prefer.
Either way, membership in The Phoenician League will deliver far more value than what it costs to join.
Plus, your first passive income investment will more than cover your membership fee in just the first two to four months. So the membership will pay for itself very quickly.
And if for some reason you aren't satisified, you can cancel at any time for any reason. Or for no reason at all.
So if you are ready to lock in your membership rate with us today, just click the “I Want to Join The Phoenician League” button below. You can choose to become an annual Inner Council member or you can go with our basic monthly membership option.
In addition to the discounted rate, Inner Council members are invited to join our exclusive Market Alliance calls each month. These are video calls where we get together each month to discuss what we're each seeing in the markets, the economy, and the world in general. In many counselors there is security, as the late Dr. Gary North used to say.
After you choose a membership option, you'll be prompted to enter your email address to get to the secure checkout page. There, simply enter your credit card information and hit “Complete purchase”.
We'll then get you right into the onboarding material that walks you through exactly where everything is inside the membership portal. Then you will get a welcome email from me explaining how our membership works in more detail.
Thanks and I’ll talk to you on the inside.
Tech Support Note: Our back-end system isn't playing nice with certain VPN server connections right now. This is causing a "Forbidden" error message for some when trying to join The Phoenician League.
For now the solution is simply to disconnect the VPN or change servers/web browsers until the link works. If you have any issues after clicking the "I Want to Join" button, please reach out to for immediate support.
Here's to financial freedom!
Joseph Withrow, Founder & Chief Analyst
P.S. Be sure to act before the above countdown timer hits zero to lock in the current membership rate.
P.P.S. That's me and my wonderful family in the picture.